9 Ways of Keeping Your Brand Fresh

Manufacturers spend millions to create an image through advertising, PR and sponsorship. And the job is never done. To keep their brand front and center, they need to be out in public, with a consistent message and creative new ways to keep awareness high.


keeping-your-brand-freshYour words and actions speak volumes about your brand. Your brand is an asset to be proud of. Use your voice to express it!


9 ways of keeping your brand fresh


  1. Trust in your vision. Motorcycle brands show their trust by pouring resources into creating awareness. Your intuition tells you when you are aligned with your purpose. Even though you can’t always see around the corner and the road can get bumpy or need construction, you know you’re on the right road.


  1. Courage. It seems ironic that you need courage to be yourself, but that’s the way of things. It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending more time shaping yourself to be who you think you should be, rather than just being. You feel vulnerable when you stand up for yourself, but then motorcycle riders are used to dealing with vulnerability.


  1. Focus. Keeping your brand alive requires a consistent, focused message. That doesn’t mean being rigid. Rather, making sure your actions support who you are and what you’re here to do.


  1. Trust in self. Just as an engine has more power than most riders ever call on, so too do you have access to more power than you’ll ever use. Know that it’s there whenever you need it. Don’t be timid on the throttle.


  1. Visibility. Sponsorship and advertising are ways manufacturers get their brand in front of their target audience. For people to know who you are and what you stand for, you need to engage with others with similar interests.


  1. Currency. Manufacturers research market trends to stay ahead of the curve in anticipating the needs of their audience and then reaching them. You can stay fresh by carving out time away from your hectic day-to-day activities. A relaxed mind is more receptive to insights and creative ideas.


  1. Stay-in power. Economic cycles, changing demographics and competitors are only some of the things that can batter a brand. The ones that survive are those who have been able to adapt, while still delivering their core message.


  1. Confidence. Motorcycle manufacturers aren’t timid about promoting their brand. That would send the wrong message. Stand tall in who you are and what you do. There is only one you, with your unique gifts and attributes.


  1. Receptivity. If a brand isn’t resonating with an audience, it soon shows in sales volume. Be receptive to more effective ways of presenting your brand, while not changing it’s core message.


Consumer brands are created to reach a specific market and generate revenue. Staying fresh is essential for long-term sustainability. Your brand is the voice and image you portray to others. While not necessary for your physical survival, creating a brand that’s true to you and keeping it fresh will feed your spirit. And that sustainability is timeless.



photo credit: jcwpdx via photopin cc


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.