Knowing your Purpose and Acting on It!

We all come into this world with special gifts and a unique purpose. For some, it takes years of searching before knowing what that purpose is.


knowing-your-purposeThink of how exceptional it would be to know what you’re here for at age 5. That’s the experience of Joshua Williams, Founder and President of Joshua’s Heart Foundation, dedicated to combating hunger and helping individuals improve their quality of life.


At 5 years of age, we’re still close to our origin and intuitively understand the connection to who we are. It’s before we’re fully “domesticated” as described by don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. It took me the first half of my life, until age 48, before I realized I’d evolved into a role where I wasn’t fully utilizing my raw materials.


There are lots of reasons it can remain hidden, not the least of which are factors I talked about in Women, Motorcycles and the Road to Empowerment – like cultural training, stereotypes, opinions of others and the environment in which you’re raised. But underneath all of that, is one-of-a-kind you, with a blueprint of attributes and experiences no one else has.


Joshua William’s story is inspirational, visionary and uplifting.  Read it here.


photo credit: alexdecarvalho via photopin cc


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

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