7 Ways to Stay Grounded

Staying in contact with the ground is fundamental when you’re riding a motorcycle. If your tires lose contact with the road surface, it’s not good. You’re going to need to call on all your skills to get back in control. Staying grounded requires skill, good judgment, momentum and balance.

While the motorcycle paints a vivid example, it also illustrates the importance of staying grounded when it comes to other areas of your life.



7 Ways to Stay Grounded


Acquire the necessary skills. Fundamental skills on a bike are balance, braking, shifting gears and cornering. As well-meaning as friends and family are, the best way to learn is from a qualified instructor. When it comes to your career, staying current is important. You can shorten the learning curve considerably by taking professional development courses from subject matter experts.


Know the rules of the road. To stay safe, you need to know the rules for the environment you’re operating in. Whether you agree with them or not is immaterial. When you put yourself in a situation, you accept personal accountability for being there.


Wear appropriate gear. Safety gear is there to protect you and you hope it is never called into action. In life, you protect ourselves from negative thinking, opinions of others and destructive emotions.


Plan. Whether you decide to go around the block or around the world, any journey requires research and preparation. This doesn’t mean every move has to be detailed but it’s a good idea to know what to expect and plan accordingly.


Stay current. If not used, skills get rusty, whether you’re on a motorcycle or in a job. Taking a refresher restores your skills, confidence and get you back up to speed more quickly.


Understand the hazards. On the road, you know you have to watch for traffic, road conditions, animals, kids, weather and a variety of changing circumstances. Sustainability and profitability in your careers require you to understand trends, market conditions and technology. Once you understand, you can prepare.


Grow. You didn’t learn to ride a motorcycle just to go around and around your block. But riding further required you to gain confidence and push through your comfort zone. Similarly your human spirit seeks growth, even though at times it’s uncomfortable and you have to push yourself. Once you do, you discover more about your strengths – and interests – leading to greater fulfillment.


Whether you’re learning to ride a motorcycle, taking advanced skill training, changing jobs or considering a new interest, know how to stay grounded keeps you safe, develops confidence and creates fulfillment.




photo credit: Chickens in the Trees (vns2009) via photopin cc


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.