How to Add the Greatest Good Each Day
Each day starts with the question, “How can I best use my gifts and abilities in service today, for my greatest good and the greatest good of all?” In other words, how can I make the world a better place? …
Each day starts with the question, “How can I best use my gifts and abilities in service today, for my greatest good and the greatest good of all?” In other words, how can I make the world a better place? …
When I try to explain to people that I spend time out on the land to listen to the stories she wants me to hear and share, I’m often met with polite smiles or nods. It’s rarely evident at the …
Listening With All Our Senses: Discover Forgotten Wisdom Read more »
This foot journey I’m on, well underway, can only be done on foot. That means, for the time being, I won’t be riding my motorcycle as many miles as I traditionally have*. But if not now, when? When that question …
The Nature of Tracking Last Sunday while driving to the trailhead I happened to flip to a radio program about technology and privacy. It’s no secret that our online behavior is tracked. Still, I hadn’t realized the extent to which …
Primordial Sound Meditation: Antidote for Pandemic What do we do when our world has spun out of control? When it seems that all traces of personal power are shredded? How do we manage and even spread joy to those around …
Primordial Sound Meditation: Antidote for Pandemic Read more »
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. The Bruce Trail has become my teacher for the times we’re living! I spot the sign with white blazes marking an access point where I’ll continue my Bruce Trail trek. Peace envelopes …
Off on a Witch Hunt Last weekend, a hike dubbed the Cave Springs Witch Hunt along a section of the Bruce Trail piqued my interest. I was curious about the witch, but more than that, the two-hour hike through the …
A Library Burns An old African (attributed) proverb maintains that, “When an Elder dies, a library burns to the ground.” Books on shelves don’t tell stories. We have to open and read them. Usually, it’s not until we’re older that …
When an Elder Dies, A Library Burns to the Ground. Read more »
On the eve of my 1977 wedding I backed out. At least I thought about it. We were at the church laboring through each step of the rehearsal. The wedding party had filed in front of the altar as we …
There’s so much to see, hear, and feel in the woods, it’s not surprising to find myself tripping over roots from time to time. Thankfully, I’ve never fallen on my face, merely stumbled before regaining my footing. I’d rather be …