2020 Interviews
Unlimited Realities Podcast with Lisa Zimmer
In my 10th anniversary of Unlimited Realities, Spirit helped me pick my first guest,Author & Adventurer, LIZ JANSEN, a woman who at 60 yo decides to ride her Triumph named Trudy, across Western Canada; tracing her grandparents immigration after settling from Russia. Raised as Russian Menonites,& honoring her own connection to this Universe and spirit we hold, Liz finds herself tested by incessant life challenges, one right after another, only to come heart & soul with beliefs, understandings, reflections, and more depth to this one life we all cocreate in God with…Liz shows us how being open to trusting life, listening to God, and watching with expectant hearts for the signs and guidance our world offers each of us, helped transform her life into one well lived in fulfillment. Liz’s story was the perfect reintroduction for Unlimited Realities, I can relate to lifes tests, and about our individual need and will to pick ourselves up..that in doing so, enables our best to shine forward..trust yourself first, Spirit whispers…

So let’s talk real.
Lisa Zimmer
This woman at 60 decides to ride her Triumph across western Canada but has some challenges & awakenings along the way..
Now when people live intentionally, authentically, they don’t borrow others lives, words, actions, behaviors or phrases.. They develop their own. Liz is all that ~ defining life on her own terms. Confident in her choices & following God-guided intuitive knowings!! Folks like that are, or become, if they weren’t.. genuine.
Truthful, integrity, those who know themselves, never copy off someone else, never try to be another soul, never ride another’s coat tails for attention because they’re real… feel me?
I know you do!!
Liz is authentic, genuine, a soul blaster making waves on her own time in her own way because of her integrity, & she loves herself.
Those in alignment with integrity never try on another’s clothes, words or actions ~ they know self, they love self & their self confidence shows it!!
Listen to hear about how a motorcycle & life challenges transformed perspectives & increased faith.
Be true to yourself, never borrow someone’s words.. it makes you look sad…trust yourself first, Spirit whispers….