20 Riders Offer Advice for New Riders

Women and men who are considering riding have lots of questions. Often they’re afraid to ask for fear of looking foolish. Other times, in spite of wanting to learn, they’re afraid of the unknown, but don’t even know where to start with questions.


advice for new ridersTo ease the way, we asked the fans of Motorcycle Mojo Magazine to think back . Knowing what they do now, here’s the advice would they give to a new rider.


20 Riders Offer Advice for New Riders


  1. Rania M. MSF and that’s that. (Motorcycle Safety Foundation Course)


  1. Mark K. Take a course and just do it and always try to improve your skills.


  1. Don N.  I’ve never known anything embarrassing about learning how to ride except riding in my underwear once. I know, the mental picture is scary.


  1. Roni C.  don’t worry about what others might think. There are only two kinds of riders … they that have and they that will. Go out and practice skills, take to heart what you learn in a good riding course, and give yourself time to get comfortable with the bike you choose. Don’t try to show off, the moment you try will be the moment that you WILL embarrass yourself!


  1. Tammy P. It would be great to take the course and get some practice being embarrassed, it will help you get through life better if you learn to carry on regardless of what anyone else thinks.


  1. Mike P.  I have ridden for 37 years off road (still twice a week most weeks) and on road for 30. I believe strongly that learning off road even at a basic level will help any on road biker.


  1. Tony M.  Take a course because everyone there is there for the same reason. Helps you feel a little more at ease.


  1. Tim D.  There is nothing to be embarrassed about, many are nervous about getting on a bike. That’s why they have courses with highly trained instructors, that I would guarantee would easy your fears on the first night of instruction. Don’t miss this experience because of a little 1st time jitters.


  1. Todd R.  The course absolutely.


  1. Brad G.  I have taken 3 courses at different levels and each one gave me butterflies and each one taught me a ton. Take the course. Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t over think it. Relax.


  1. Darlene V.  We all had to start somewhere, and there is no embarrassment at ll..before you know it you’ll be head of the pack… Go easy don’t be a hero !


  1. Donnie R.  just do it.


  1. Don S.  Its a lot more embarrassing when a paramedic is scraping u up. Go to riding school.


  1. YouMotorcycle The courses are a great way of learning that aren’t too personal. I’ve never come across anyone I took the course with, or anyone that I remember taking the course with anyway. Worst case scenario if you’re the type who will feel shame being recognized and identified at such a place, you can always book one in the next town over.


  1. Brad G. By the 3rd hour most are comfortable. No matter how bad you screw up….the instructors have seen worse.


  1. Paul L.  Take a course. Small bikes. Every is at or near the same riding level. Safer and easier.


  1. Sean M.  Start on a dirt bike in the bush,great for being aware of the road conditions and sudden moves to miss fallen trees and rocks.


  1. Suhaymath N.  As most everyone has mentioned, take a course. Beyond that, continue learning and keep thinking about how you ride and how to improve, then implement it. No need to be embarrassed. Almost everyone has their odd moment(s) in motorcycling. Just relax and enjoy!


  1. Colin W.  Gearing Up (Canada) or MSF (USA). Before the course I could barely do a U turn across two full lanes, after the course I can do it in 1/2 a lane or less!


  1. Stephanie M.  Just do it – Nike.


What advice can you add?



Related Post: 20 Riders Share Surprises About Learning to Ride 





Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

2 Comments on “20 Riders Offer Advice for New Riders

  1. Take a MSF riding course, buy a light weight bike. Do not start out on a big bike if you are a new rider.