Lighten Up – And Live Healthier and Happier

If you ride a motorcycle, you know the feelings of freedom, independence and sheer joy that happen when you’re out on the open road. Worries and cares fly away with the wind. We think to ourselves “if only I could feel this way all the time.”

lighten upWe always knew riding was good for our soul. Here’s more proof that letting go of negative thinking and taking a positive outlook can keep us healthy longer.

Don’t worry.  Be Healthy

Read the evidence that thinking positive thoughts can protect our heart from cardiovascular disease, from the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston.

Lighten Up Your Life: 10 Steps to Less Stuff

Getting rid of ingrained negative thinking, defensive emotions and out-moded behavior patterns takes much soul searching — and courage.  They’ve become familiar and there’s comfort in familiarity.

Recognizing the fears that create resistance and hold us back, is the first step to decluttering our minds and unburdening our spirit.

Interestingly, physical decluttering is also cathartic.  It’s amazing how it lightens up both the physical and psychic load!


photo credit: loswl via photo pin cc


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.