5 Favorite Blogs from Last Week

by Liz Jansen

4482727298_c496305f2d_nThere are many articles on motorcycle touring and safety. The ones below stood out because of the way they present the information, and how they make you think. They may even inspire you to change your habits, or take that trip you’ve always dreamed of.

Enjoy and stay safe! And cool!


Motorcycle Touring: Do-It-Yourself Touring

Evans Brasfield, Motorcycle.com

“Folks who ride motorcycles frequently have a high level of independence. So, when it comes to touring by bike, many choose to go their own way instead of signing up with a company organized tour. While this is particularly common when the ride begins from your home turf, you can also do it when you decide to rent a bike in some remote exotic locale.”

10 Tips for Safe City Driving

Amos, RideApart.com

“America might be a land filled with motorcycle riders and motorcycle lovers, but it most certainly is not a motorcycle friendly country. Just ask anyone who rides their motorcycle to work on a semi-regular basis and they’ll tell you horror stories not just about bad, rude and dangerous drivers, but also of oblivious pedestrians and cyclists who seem to have a death wish and also appear to have it in for you.

It doesn’t take bravery to ride your motorcycle in the city—it takes superior awareness, brains, an eye for potential hazards (not just obvious ones) and very good riding skills.”

10 Things to Expect When Starting to Ride a Motorcycle

WRN’s list for beginner riders

Genevieve Schmitt, Women Riders Now

“Many seasoned motorcycle riders have done or experienced some or all of these things. We thought it’d be fun to share the list we came up with so new riders can find some peace in knowing others have been there or are experiencing what they are right now.”

Top 10 Ways to make Your Bike Fit Better

Evans Brasfield, Motorcycle.com

“Every human body comes in its own unique shape and size, but all motorcycles of a particular model are exactly the same when they roll off the assembly line. Unless you’re remarkably lucky, some aspect of your motorcycle’s dimensions will be less than optimum to suit your body type and riding style. Fortunately, you can take steps to customize your motorcycle’s fit to your dimensions and the type of riding you do. While some of these suggestions require altering or replacing parts, many can radically alter your riding experience for the better with only basic tools and a little elbow grease.”

Epic ID Medical Emergency Info Wristband

Blake Conner, Cycle World

“An accident or medical emergency might one day render you unable to speak for yourself. EPIC-id ($35) is a waterproof USB medical emergency information wristband allowing entry and storage of as much medical info as you’d like to share. First responders simply insert EPIC-id into any PC or Mac to access potentially life-saving information.”

photo credit: Colombia, Tierradentro via photopin (license)

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Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.