How to Make the Most of Every Day — and Why

by Liz Jansen

make the most of every day

Every morning I start the day with a prayer and intention to make the most of every day. I’ve done it for years. In the evening when I look back at the day, the results are always mixed. The next morning, I’m grateful for another day, another chance to make the most of a new day.

It’s tempting to think “make the best of” refers to how much I’ve accomplished. But then, what if what I’ve accomplished isn’t in line with my priorities?

I’ve concluded it’s using my gifts, skills, and talents to the best of my ability. Following my heart (with input from my head). Laughing. Loving. Forgiving. Playing. Learning from my mistakes. Extending kindness, understanding, and compassion, including to myself.

I can’t measure it in dollars earned, words written, or new Facebook followers. I can’t compare my day to someone else’s.

It’s not just what I’ve done. It’s how and why I’ve done it. Has it thrown me off balance?

Making the most of each day starts with how I perceive myself. The answer tends to be tangible. Yet we are so much more than our physical bodies. We see them as the means by which we get stuff done.

Our body is a balanced and complex system made up of 11 major organ systems. Bodies are always seeking equilibrium in response to internal and external changes. If something goes wrong in one system, it can’t help but put stress on another.

We’re more than physical beings though. Often we fail to recognize how our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies influence our health. All systems depend on each other for maintaining our energetic balance.

So if I intend to make the most of the day, I need to step up and do my part.

For years I’ve been careful to include the healthiest, usually organic ingredients in my diet. No processed foods, sugar, or gluten. My day starts with meditation and gratitude. I’ve come a long way in establishing and sticking to manageable priorities.

It’s not enough though. Over the past month, I’ve incorporated new elements into the day. I’ve joined a fantastic yoga studio and practice at least five times a week. A thirty-minute walk each way, which includes a few grades, helps me improve my cardio.

Can I still get sick or have a bad day? You bet.

Nourishing body, mind, and spirit daily takes time. I may not write as many words in a day. Then again, maybe I’ll write more. Whatever I do that day is of higher quality, more meaningful. It changes how the day unfolds. It makes me feel more vibrant and resilient. Better able to deal with challenges.

I see with new eyes what it means to make the most of each day, and how to do it. There’s a reason they call it a practice. The only way to improve is to keep at it. And be grateful there’s another day to start again.

Read this article for great tips on Daily Practices for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Well-Being.

How to you make the most of each day? Tell us in the comments.


Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash






Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

8 Comments on “How to Make the Most of Every Day — and Why

  1. As usual, an excellent post. Also an excellent New Year’s resolution! Holiday blessings to you!

  2. Well said Liz. And you’re so right when you say that, “Nourishing body, mind, and spirit daily takes time.” It’s a full-time project to become our fullest selves, but such a worthy one.
    All the best and thanks for such a thoughtful post.

    • Thank you Colleen. Thank you for your words of wisdom – it is a worthy project. Just back from yoga followed by a walk home in the snow. 🙂

  3. I always look forward to all that you write. You talk a bout your intention in the first paragraph. I know your intention shines through on every post. Well done, Liz!

  4. Liz my friend I want to tell you how much I enjoy your writing/teachings. I think about you and all your wisdom you share with us and I thank you. Good Holiday season to you. Mary

    • You give gifts on your birthday!! 🙂 Thank you Mary for your leadership, wisdom, and inspiration. It’s trailblazers like you who pave the way for the rest of us. Thank you!! Liz