Leaving the Driveway

by Liz Jansen

leaving the driveway
Garden Treasures

As I write this on the eve of departure, mixed emotions flood through me. Leaving the driveway happens in the morning (Monday). At times like this, the best strategy is to focus on one day at a time, knowing that all is well and is falling into place exactly as it is meant to.

My motorcycle is all ready to go. Tomorrow I’ll go through my morning practice, then bundle up Measha, pack her toys, favorite blankets, and treats, and a friend will pick us up and take us to the home that will have the joy of her company while I’m gone. Then it’s back home, changing into my riding gear, saddling up and getting out of the driveway. That’s the hardest part.

Over the past several weeks, my focus has been on divesting myself of things I know I won’t need for at least a year. As I’ve gone through closets, and assessed which pile stuff get’s assigned to—i.e. take along (a very small pile),post on Kijiji (a small pile), store (a modest pile), send to the thrift shop (a big pile) or allocate to waste, including recycle (a small but shameful amount). This exercise has been disturbing, as it’s caused me to realize how many non-consumables I have. It’s been an excellent exercise in prioritizing though. If something hasn’t been used or worn for years, it’s gone, even though there’s an emotional attachment. Of course, I’ve kept the most sentimental things—and a few with emotional attachments.

It’s made me thing about what must cross the mind of someone who’s dying. Looking around and seeing these things that have accumulated over time, that seemed important when they were purchased, but realistically, don’t make our lives any better. Or bring us closer to Spirit. We need a certain amount for safety, security, and shelter, but beyond that, most of us in Western cultures have way more than enough. Way more than our share of the earth’s resources. I’m fortunate to have gone through this exercise now when I can correct my habits.

I’ve gone through the purging exercise when I’ve moved but never has it been as poignant as now. I’ve mentioned before how turning 60 is the start of a new life cycle in many in cultures, so this is a big ending that I’m going through. Perhaps that’s why the intense emotions. But without endings, there can be no beginnings. And that’s what I’m embracing, while respecting the past

The Universe’s wheels are in motion. I just have to keep my hand on the throttle.


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

20 Comments on “Leaving the Driveway

  1. Good luck! Looking forward to following your travels.

    Here is my list for a successful journey:

    1. Don’t get lost in your own head.
    2. Laugh every day. As much as possible.


  2. We are all so excited for you, and more because you are sharing this journey with us. Warm sentiments being forwarded to you – right this moment.

    • Thanks Kathy. And I’ll take that moment as any moment. Much appreciated. Safe roads to you too.


  3. Dear Liz, You are brave and inspiring. I can feel your deep emotions through your expression in words that you share with us. Please know that you are not alone… I will be with you in spirit and think of you daily as you take this remarkable journey. I wish you safe travels and lifetime experiences. Love and Hugs…. Lindsey xo

    • Lindsey – much appreciate your kind words and love. There are times that I do feel very alone – and then comments like these make me realize none of us are every alone. Thank you.


  4. Nice article, Liz. One sentence caught my eye: “I’ve mentioned before how turning 60 is the start of a new life cycle in many in cultures, so this is a big ending that I’m going through.” I look at your new adventure as a BIG START, not ending! Have a great time and if you get down our way give a call.

    • Hi Walt – good point! It’s definitely a beginning. A big one! But with a beginning, something is also ending. To beginnings! I’ll be at the HUBB meeting in Yosemite in September. Will you be anywhere near there?

      Best to you and Nancy.

  5. All the very best Liz on your life changing journey. I look forward to hearing about your adventures. Take care

  6. Hi Liz, Happy Trails. We will all be richer by your experiences. Can’t wait to learn more along your way!

    • Hey Sandra – I’d like to hear about your trails and how you enjoyed them! Thanks for the kind words. There will be stories no doubt.


  7. wow Liz, way to go girl!
    Pulling out of the driveway, the start of the adventure. Big threshold to cross! Can’t wait to hear more.
    Remember you are never alone!

    • Camilla – great to hear from you. Your reminder is much appreciated. In fact, I’ve got quite a list of virtual passengers. I just have to remember not to leave without them. 🙂
