Make a Difference Day 2013

Looking for something to do next weekend?  Here’s something you can do alone, with family, friends or an organization you belong to.

Saturday is the 23rd  annual Make a Difference Day – a day of doing good and recognizing the good deeds of others.

MADDMasterLogoSocialMake a Difference Day 2013

While your random acts of kindness make a difference each day, this US based initiative encourages communities, colleges and corporations to get involved in a project that benefits your community and spreads positive change.

Your kindness doesn’t need to be grandiose. The site lists ideas such as baking cookies and taking them to the volunteer firehouse, drive an elderly person to their doctor’s appointment, plant a tree, offer to babysit at a women’s shelter.

Visit www.makeadifferenceday to get ideas.

It doesn’t take much to make a difference. Your kindness can change a life. It can change the world.


What will you do?


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.