9 Building Blocks for Balance

Learning to achieve balance in your life is every bit as important as learning to balance a motorcycle. Following these suggestions will lead you to success in either.

 9 building blocks for balance

  1. BalanceKnow where you’re going. It sounds fundamental and it is. But it’s often forgotten and you end up trying to be everything to everyone. That doesn’t work. Having a clear direction in mind does. Then you can take the next steps to get there.


  1. Acquire the appropriate skills. Physical, mental and emotional acuity are all required to maintain balance. Understanding how to use physical controls means knowing what they are, how they work and what effect they have. Meditating, journalling and most importantly, following your intuition alerts you that you’re about to teeter.


  1. Keep your eyes up and look where you want to go. And that’s where you’ll go. It’s your choice. There are always going to be distractions and fear is always going to rear its head. Target fixation – i.e. focusing on them, is a real danger because it will draw you into trouble. While you definitely need to acknowledge its role, scan your road ahead for hazards, you’ll stay balanced only by staying focused on where you want to go.


  1. Maintain a relaxed, attentive position. When you’re relaxed, you’re much more alert, aware and better able to handle what life delivers. Release negative thinking, avoid overanalyzing and enjoy the scenery.


  1. Distribute weight evenly. Stay centered. Not only does this refer to what you take on but how much burden you carry and where you carry it. Nurturing body, mind and spirit equally is essential for your total well-being. Take only what is yours and let others do the same.


  1. Maintain momentum. It’s easy to stay balanced when everything is moving along, just as you planned. However, life doesn’t stick to our plan and challenges appear on our Road. Stopping puts us at higher risk of getting mired down and stuck in whatever is in our way.


  1. Ask for help. Experts are standing by to help! The Universe always provides the resources you need when you need them. Often all it takes is a request for help. You’ll be surprised at what materializes.


  1. Stop and put your foot down. If all of the above haven’t worked, you may need to take time out for a break and put your foot down. Temporarily backing away from a situation may be the only way to gain clarity and decide what action to take to restore balance.


  1. Practice. I believe that we’re here on Earth School to learn certain lessons, and as long as we’re here, school’s in session. When our lessons are over, it’s time to go. While we’re in school, we practice what we’re taught to become more proficient.


Don’t be too hard on yourself. Lying on the ground feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t move you ahead or teach you the lesson. Learn from your mistakes, get back on and do it right. Or at least better.


Reprinted from September 10, 2012

photo credit: SuperFantastic via photo pin cc


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

2 Comments on “9 Building Blocks for Balance

  1. Liz, I agree with you on # 9. Never stop learning because when you stop what will you do, just give up….no, no, no, please people never give up. There is always something better if you go through the next door, or around the next corner.

    • Mary – your words are so inspirational – and you’re living proof of living as you speak. Thank you!
