14 Memorable Motorcycle Training Moments
by Liz Jansen
New riders and riders to be, take heart. Learning to ride a motorcycle, while tons of fun, can pose challenges. It’s just like learning any new skill. We asked our friends at Motorcycle Mojo about their most memorable training moment?” Enjoy their answers!
14 Riders Share Their Most Memorable Training Moments
Photo credit: Motorcycle Mojo Magazine
- Mark K. The most memorable moment is that moment after four days training when it “all clicked.” I really struggled with the smoothness of shifting early on then it all came together. I always think that I can improve with slow riding.
- Catharine SD Skid school
- Barbara Experiencing an unscheduled curb climb, ascent up a short hill, rounding a tree, descending the same hill, descending the curb and returning to my training course! Instructor though impressed with the fact that I was able to react and control the bike through the process and back onto the course was not so impressed on my loss of control in the original corner. Skills improvement …. More comfort and skill in slow speed maneuvers.
- Paul B. I think I need to improve on my slow turning, especially to the right.
- Manny B. I need to increase my turning skills so I can spend more time riding all kinds of bikes.
- Bob E. Most memorable was signing up for a course in Halifax and arriving 30 minutes late via Kingston ON! Two of us went through the mountains of NY, NH and ME to get to NB where we met our wives on their bikes in Moncton. Toured the best of NB shore and headed to NS. I think we were “warmed up” by the time we hit the cones!!
- Tim M. The ah ha moment when learning something new and doing it
- Steve L. I would say working on panic situations.
- Henri D. Riding through the curb-height planter before dropping the bike…then getting right back on!
- Stuart H. my very first ride 4 years ago, about a mile from home, I came up over a hill and on the downhill side was a woman on the side of the road and her dog on the other side… and she called her dog, who of course ran right across my path. I swerved, skidded, held on, missed the dog, and have never ridden faster than I can see, or safely stop since. scared the crap out of me!
- Dean V. I need to work on throttle control
- John T. Way too many moments to say, everyone needs emergency preparedness training!
- Paul B. pushing bikes. it seemed I had to push almost everyone’s bike but being a little bigger than average. no one could push me any distance. I was tired considering it was August and all.
- Brenda B. When I learned how to pull away without stalling and I agree with Steve about the panic situation and also the pulling-pushing turns.
What’s your favorite memory?