Assess, Adjust and Align; Happy New Year!!

Nine summers ago, my motorcycle took me on a two-month odyssey of self-discovery. Life had become meaningless and I wanted to redirect my energy into activities where I could make a difference; leave a legacy. Little did I know that the adventure was just beginning. Trillium Motorcycle Tours was conceived during that trip and its purpose was to create the space for personal and professional growth. Although the “how” of what I do has evolved over the years, the “why” has remained constant. It’s been an exciting journey, full of twists and turns, many lessons and a few straight sections.

Time passes quickly. As arbitrary a date as January 1st is, it’s a good time marker to pause, honour the past, savour the present and embrace the future. Never has the awareness of making each moment count contributed so significantly to living a life of joy, fulfillment and meaning. And so, as the earth continues its orbit around the sun, three simple steps can start us out in the right direction: assess the lessons learned during the past orbit, align where we are with where we’d like to be and adjust accordingly. They’re simple, but easy.

Assessing. Publishing Women, Motorcycles and the Road to Empowerment became a priority. After three years of research, writing, and revising, it was time to give birth. Wading in was not an option. The only choice was to take the plunge and focus on making a concept a reality. It meant that other things had to go. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be scary, especially when it’s into the unknown.

Two new types of events took place: Rider Retreats and a Business Bikers day. While very different formats, both held true to the goal established at the inception of Trillium and will continue this year. Aside from my book, I’ve been doing more freelance writing. It’s another two-way conduit for engaging with others in a manner where all can benefit.

Adjusting. Now, instead of planning and guiding small group tours, the tours are ones of self-discovery; tours where we identifying our barriers, discover our capabilities and reap the rewards. While the riding tours were always meaningful and fun, I’ve discovered that I can interact with more people and make better use of my energy and talents by refining my activities.  

As much as I know the Universe provides the resources we need if we only allow it, it’s been a hard lesson to let go and stop worrying about all sorts of things. I don’t have to do it all, nor can I. This belief and openness has allowed the most amazing people into my life at just the right time. I never could have dreamt things would unfold the way they have and I’m extremely grateful.

I’ve said “no” to activities I know I would enjoy and jettisoned others that were out of scope and would redirect too much energy away from what I AM supposed to be doing.

Aligning. Although marketing and promoting Women, Motorcycles and the Road to Empowerment are the catalysts, the real thrill is in disseminating the message contained in its pages. Already its stories are being shared across Canada, the US and into Europe. I plan to continue conveying its message of self-discovery, adventure and empowerment through speaking, workshops, retreats – and more writing. Engaging with and learning from readers is inspiring, benefits us all and I look forward to more.

I know that I’ll need to be more focused, organized and diligent than ever. Above all, it will be extremely important to maintain physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance if I want to remain effective.

I am but one person trying to making a difference. We are all in this together, here to make the world a better place. By each doing our part and leveraging our wisdom, experience and spirit, we create a greater good than what any one individual could do. 

Wishing you health, joy and abundance in 2012!




Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.