5 Ways to Celebrate Rhythm and Balance
It’s become an annual ritual: a motorcycle ride south to spend US Thanksgiving with American friends. Not only does it mark the transition between seasons, it’s a vivid reminder of the cycle of life we are all a part of. Reassurance there is balance and a natural order in a world of chaos.
While there’s no doubt I’ll enjoy long days in the saddle, it’s time that allows me to reconnect, refocus and give thanks.
5 Ways to Celebrate Rhythm and Balance
- Time with loved ones. Taking time out to enjoy friendship is precious and becomes more important with each passing year..
- Symbolic transition to winter. The dark season is one where creativity germinates and ideas take root. Having been raised on a farm, I’ve learned the value of winter hibernation.
- Time alone.Time alone. Four collective days of riding will recharge the batteries for me like nothing else can. The mountains and forests of West Virginia offer a special beauty. Devoid of leaves, their natural strength is magnificent
- Thanksgiving. Celebrating Thanksgiving twice a year is wonderful. My life is rich in so many ways. Yet giving thanks is also a reminder to not take our bounty for granted or become complacent. With rights come responsibilities.
- Time with nature. It doesn’t get much better than a week with nature – this time along the ocean. The ebb and flow of the tides, the stars and the cycles of the moon are evidence of the unwavering cycles which have gone on for time eternal. Cycles that we are a part of.
It’s important to take time to connect with self, others and nature — playing on the beach, gazing at the heavens and celebrating life! And I intend to do just that!
Related article: Find your Rhythm and Balance
photo credit: Ian Sane via photopin cc