Transitioning from Student to Easy Rider: 5 Expectations to Manage

You’ve done it!! You’re Easy Rider! You’ve set a stretch goal, challenged yourself, doubted yourself – and succeeded. You’ve tasted the freedom, independence and adventure that riding a motorcycle delivers.  You’re pumped with adrenaline and confidence, envisioning yourself riding down the road, hair blowing in the wind, just like in the movies.

Then reality hits.

Easy RiderHere are five reality checks you’re likely to encounter – and how to deal with them.

The bike is different than the one you had in the course. It handles differently, the controls feel different, it’s bigger, it has more power, you have to move it around, it tips over.

Approach:Take your bike to a quiet parking lot and get to know it. Make the trip during off-traffic hours or have someone shuttle it there for you. If possible, have someone — preferably an experienced rider — with you. Plan to do it when your energy level is high; not when you’re fatigued after a long day of work.Practice the same skills you learned during the course – except now you’re doing it on your own bike – i.e. braking, shifting, slow speed turns, swerves, quick stops.

They didn’t teach us that in the course!  No longer is there an instructor to guide and coach you. You’re in control and need to make all the decisions.

Approach: Certified basic rider courses such as those prepared by CSC or MSF teach you the basic skills you need to operate the motorcycle safely and enjoyably. They can’t possibly address every situation you might encounter on the road.Before panicking when stopping on a hill or riding in the rain for the first time, remind yourself that you have the skills do it.

Think about how you’re going to apply your learnings to a specific situation. Admittedly, there’s not always a lot of thinking time, which is all the more reason to practice the basics and develop that muscle memory before putting yourself out there.

There’s no one else to ride with. Or so it seems.

Approach:They’re out there looking for you too. They only way to meet them is to get out there – whether it’s stopping at places where you see bikers congregate like coffee shops, participating in an online forum or joining a riding group.

It may seem intimidating at first but you’ll soon be chatting like long-lost friends.Be persistent too. It’s like dating. You may have to search around before you find riders that are a fit for you – but guaranteed they’re out there.

There’s traffic on the road!You’re no longer in the controlled environment of a course parking lot. Other drivers are unpredictable. They don’t see you, they’re distracted, they crowd you, cut you off, make rude gestures, honk their horn, make lane changes without signaling and make sudden stops.

Approach: Get your confidence and skill level up by going back to that parking lot and riding your own bike. Be realistic about your skill level and don’t put yourself in situations you’re not prepared for.

You’ve probably heard that the best approach is to ride like you’re invisible. This is a good defensive approach – to an extent. While it means making the assumption that other drivers do not see you, it does not mean riding passively. Develop the skills to ride with confidence so you’re able to respond quickly and maneuver out of harm’s way.

You don’t have that feeling of “being one with the bike.”

Approach: Have patience. It may take years and will happen when you least expect it. You can’t make it so. It takes time to develop and requires technical skills. You’re not going to feel “at one” when you’re still learning to manage the bike’s power — and discover your own.

One day you’ll be riding down the road, find yourself in the middle of Montana and realize “So this is what they were talking about!”

While passing the course is a big accomplishment, it’s only the first step on a whole new adventure. Managing your expectations, developing your skills and being realistic will build a power base that will prepare you for many years of safe and enjoyable riding.  And that Road can lead you anywhere!

photo credit: Epiclectic via photopin cc


Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.