Infinite Possibilities in Unusual Personal Times

by Liz Jansen

Infinite Possibilities

It’s a marvel to observe that tests of faith come when we least expect them. Arriving in forms that mean the most to us, they’re guaranteed to catch our attention. They’re a gateway to infinite possibilities.

Learning to let go of expectations and allow life events to unfold as they will, has been a primary lesson over the past few years.

My vision for Crash Landing was that it be published in 2017. When I started writing, my plans and timelines looked realistic. All was on schedule until about a month ago when it became apparent I’d need longer than expected to do a good job on the revisions.

I also realized I hadn’t allowed enough time for pre-publication marketing.

This project is so close to my heart and I’m certain it’s what I’m meant to do. I’ve set aside most other work so I can focus on it. I want it out as soon as possible—for altruistic and financial reasons.

I could have made it happen, but it didn’t feel right to force it. To do so was falling back into patterns I’m trying to correct. So intentionally, I decided to take the time necessary to honor the story, the characters, and each step of the process. That meant tossing out timelines and deferring publication to a time yet to be determined.

Then two weeks ago, another diversion popped up. My dad became seriously ill. Dad trumps book.

For more than a week he was dancing between worlds, his children gathering to offer what support we could; making decisions according to our understanding of his wishes.

His strength, stamina, and resilience have surprised the medical teams actively treating a complex and cascading litany of disorders. While investigations continue, it seems he’s decided to stick around, although he faces a formidable recovery.

Events that hit close to the heart have a way of rearranging priorities. As painful as they can be, that’s where the most valuable lessons live.

Holding to self-imposed expectations is limiting, regardless of how important I think they are.

And so I let go and trust. Rather than getting bound by what I think I should do, I open the door to infinite possibilities.



Author, writer, and student Liz Jansen combines her artistic mediums to create stories that inspire readers to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

14 Comments on “Infinite Possibilities in Unusual Personal Times

  1. Thank you for this post! It took me on a path of thinking and praying that I needed to be on. JUST TRUST! To let go of what we have planned can bring about wonderful things we did not know we were in store for. Much love and prayers for you and your dad.

    • Thanks Wendy. We think we know so much! Ha!WE limit ourselves without even knowing it. Much appreciate the prayers.

  2. Agree with Wendy, and for myself, letting go of what hold the past had on me. I have found that I (and those around me) seem to be where we are supposed to be, no matter how difficult or unexpected/out-of-left field, or surprising. We press through.

    My prayers stand with you and your father, and that your father, and you, are able to press through this situation with all its curve balls and “suddenlies”.


    • Much appreciate your thoughts Sarah. I agree – we get through – it just doesn’t always look like what we expected. Thank you for your prayers.

  3. Sorry to hear about your Dad and so glad the two of you had such a lively journey back to his birthplace! You’ve described how the family’s life has shown such strength … Reflecting hopefully in his recovery again now. Hugs

  4. Liz I hope your father is going to be around for quite awhile longer and be well. I am sorry to hear you are having to delay your new book, but you know what it is going to be a better read because you are doing some new editing. For sure your book will be great as every thing you write is awesome.